Tuesday 12 June 2007

Tia and Kiwi

On our way home from school the ice-cream van was parked outside my house so we had an

ice-cream to cool us down.My mum cooked our tea and then we went out to play, we rode up and down the lane on my brothers scooter until it was time to put it away, it looked as if it was going to rain and we didn't want to get wet.

Cuddly kiwi enjoyed the wind blowing in his face, as we rode up and down on the scooter with my dog sooty running after us . Cuddly kiwi liked to ride on sootys back too. Even my cat Pepsi came in to meet cuddly kiwi before we went to bed as we had a busy day. My mum took a few photos of us to put into cuddly Kiwi's photo album so that he can remember the fun day that he had a my house.

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